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Blogmas Links

I'm going to keep this short and sweet as really this is only intended to be a summary of my Blogmas links but would it be right not to have a little summary of the whole experience?

I've always been here and there with my blog, giving up on it and taking time off but this is the first year that I've really felt dedicated to it. I had wanted to do Blogmas last year but didn't get round to it. This year I decided I was going to do it in August. I did get a nice head start but it has still been hard; writing and working on the blog during December when I have had so many different things going on. As I've had so much going on, I can only assume everyone else is the same so here are all the links to each post from the 25 days. I'm now going to have a couple of days rest before diving into the New Year!

25. Top Blog Posts of 2018

I hope you have enjoyed Blogmas and that you found some of the posts interesting. I'm both incredibly proud of myself for completely Blogmas but also incredibly glad Blogmas is over. Now I can appreciate doing just 3 posts a week. I am going to have a little break until the 31st and then it will be back to 3 posts a week. 

I hope you had a lovely Christmas and have an even better New Year! 

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