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Hollywood Crush #7 Kylie Minogue

Ever since I saw her music video’s “I should be so lucky” and “The Locomotion” I was hooked on this beautiful Australian woman. It wouldn’t be until the late 1990’s when I would come across more of her videos that I had missed out on while surfing the internet one day. For some reason, MTV and VH1 didn’t seem to play her video’s here in America. I couldn’t figure out why. She has a great voice, sings some awesome songs, and is very sexy. Oh, maybe that’s why they didn’t show them much, maybe she is too sexy. All I know is, she would be a pretty good reason for me to go to Australia someday. In fact, she would be a pretty good reason to sell my soul to the devil. I think Cristy picked Kylie to be my number one. Sorry Cristy. It was certainly a good choice though.

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