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My Plan For 2018 | Goals & Things To Look Forward To

Happy New Year everyone! How is it January already? Last year flew past and like most bloggers out there, I'm feeling fresh with ideas and ready to jump feet first back into the blogging pool. Unintentionally I took my a little break throughout December - As it was Archie's second Christmas I just wanted to enjoy every minute of it and we constantly had fun things planned throughout the month, so sorry if you missed me, I promised I miss blogging a whole lot more. I thought I'd kick start things off this month with a 'Goals' post. I never make new year resolutions as I always find it so hard to stick to them and only feel disappointed if I've failed at the end of the year. I think it's much nicer to just lay out some goals and things to work towards so if you're interested in what I want to achieve this year, then keep on reading.

Get More Organised

I like to pretend to a lot of people that I'm this super organised person, but if truth be told I'm not. I have so many things to do and I keep all my lists mentally jotted down in my head. This year I want to put pen to paper, finally get on top of the things I need to achieve and write out daily planners. I love it when I go to bed knowing that I've had a really productive day and have gotten a lot of things done. I want a lot more of that satisfying feeling this year.

Become A Mum Boss

Last year I saw a huge increase of opportunities from my blog which enabled me to earn a little extra money from home, which is great. Archie will be two this year and I'd love to carry on spending as much time as I can at home with him, so I really want to push myself so more of these amazing opportunities can come my way. There is a lot of work that I need to do in terms of my blog and where which direction I want to take it in, so I know that I need to up my game and put in a few extra hours every evening.

Become a Better Photographer

I love taking photos, but it's really not something that comes naturally to me, nor do I feel that I have that perfect eye for it. What I do know is that I always try my very best and I want to keep on working at my skills. What I think is really important for me is that I need to develop and work on my own unique style. I'm inspired by so many talented bloggers but I would like for my work to start inspiring a little more and for that I need to keep on working on my skills and trying new things.

Be A Little More Open

I pour my heart out into my blog, well I used to and it's been a long time since I sat down and wrote some personal posts. It's easy to put up the odd review or wish list, but I find it much harder to talk about myself - Does anyone else? It's the same for social media, I feel like I don't put enough of myself out there and therefore I know not as many people can relate to me. This is something that I really need to work on, so expect to see more Tweets and more Insta Stories.

Reach 4K on Instagram

I know 4000 followers probably seems a pathetic amount to some of you, but last year I really struggled with Instagram and my follower count didn't really move at all for the last six months of the year. It would be a dream to double my following in a year, but I feel that might be a little unrealistic, so I'll settle for an extra 700 more of you and that would make me so happy.

Things To Look Forward To

If theres one thing I've learned from 2017, is to enjoy all the little things and take them all in. Time flies when you have a little one and every time I look at Archie I see him changing before my eyes. I want to keep on treasuring every moment and keep on enjoying spending all my time with him as its precious. I keep seeing a lot of my fellow mum bloggers saying they want to spend more time with their kids this year, but I know Archie pretty much gets my full attention throughout the day - The only times he doesn't is when I'm either cooking or cleaning. Last year we decided to put Archie into nursery for one morning a week and I was told by the nursery staff that he's very well developed for his age and I can only put this down to giving him all my time and this has to be my proudest achievement. I want to continue this for 2018 and make all those moments we spent together enjoyable and fun for him.

Some of the things we would love to do with Archie this year is take him swimming regularly, have more fun filled weekends and as soon as the weather warms up we want to take him outside as much as possible. I'd also love to take Archie on another holiday this year, last year we went to Centre Parcs, so maybe another trip there in the autumn would be lovely.

I'm feeling really positive about this year and have a feeling its going to be another good one. I'd love to know what your plans are for this year. Let me know in the comments.

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