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Rugs Of Past until Present

By Joe Maldonado

Can a household really benefit from having rugs? Strategically placed rugs can make a lot of difference in one's own home. They are very ordinary household materials, very common tools in daily living, but when you open yourself to possibilities, you will actually find out that there is more to the decorative potential of rugs than meets the eye.

Yes, rugs can be a means of artistic expression; a way to incorporate a bit of yourself and your personality to a room. Whether it is in your house or workplace, you can use rugs of various colors and designs, and mix it with the current decor of your space to achieve the look and feel that you desire. You can use matching rugs to promote a clean and organized mood, or you can throw in contrasting rugs to let your daring side known!

These rugs are also useful in a busy house with kids where you'll have the shower in use for hours at a time. If you have a very large bathroom rug then it can span that distance between the shower and the sink so you can move from showering to brushing your teeth and shaving in safety too! Imagine the hassle of waiting for long minutes just because somebody else is using the bathroom.

The functional use of rugs has taken into a higher notch. Just for the mere reason that it becomes a necessity does not necessarily means that it cannot be used as a design. Apparently, the use of rugs in bathroom displays some artistic brilliance in the works. For those looking for a stylish solution, bathroom rugs are an indispensable relief. You can either modernize your bathroom or convert it into an antique haven, depending upon your preferences. Making a total character change is not an impossible task. You may choose rugs that are fun, funky or traditional Victorian for a pleasing bath experience.

Rugs have wonderful decorative possibilities, but what they are purchased mainly because of the practical and functional uses that they present. One of the most appealing qualities of a rug is its ability to transmit comfort. Rugs are very pleasurable to the feet, especially silk rugs. While hardwood and cemented floors impart a cold, unsettling feeling, rugs give off a warm and cozy sensation to the feet, and makes a room appear more inviting.

The delightful bath experience can also be extended to the kids in the house. Rugs with cartoon characters are also a good option for bathroom makeovers. Customized bath rugs are readily available in the market at an affordable price.

Rugs can also present a possible practical learning experience for kids. There are rugs with educational and fun patterns that can be used to arouse a child's interest to learning.

No matter where ever the rug came from and how it was made we should always give gratitude to the first maker and discoverer of such valuable rugs.

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