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Sweet-natured, life-affirming stuff

Some stuff I want to mention:

The anthology PULP INK 2 is out as of today, and I highly recommend it. From the awesome Snubnose Press, it's edited by two of my favorite writer/editors, Nigel Bird and Chris Rhatigan. The contributors list is pretty much a who's who of the best voices in genre fiction these days-- it's got stories from:
Julia Madeleine,
Eric Beetner,
Mathew C. Funk,
Richard Godwin,
Patti Abbott,
Katherine Thomlinson,
Andrez Bergen,
Christopher Black,
R. Thomas Brown,
Court Merrigan,
Kevin Brown,
Mike Miner,
Cindy Rosmus,
James Everington,
W.D. County,
Kieran Shea,
Joe Clifford,
BV Lawson
...and finally me, your loyal and steadfast hack.

My story is called "My Life with the Butcher Girl", and it's a sweet tender love story that will tug at your heart-strings. Fact.

Also, today is the last day "That Damned Coyote Hill" is free. I thought yesterday would be the last free day, but I was wrong, a condition that happens with alarming frequency.

Tonight, Beat to a Pulp will publish on Amazon the second Hawthorne weird western, "The Long Black Train", and I promise you that it is weirder, bloodier and crazier than the first one. Hope you pick it up.

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