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The battle of the media monarch host elites Jillian Michaels wishes to kick Al Roker's ass after criticizing her views on kinky diet

    Jim Oberweight
    Jillian Michael's is a fitness skinny ninny guru like no other. Jillian is gay and wishes to remain skinny and sexy so she can seduce and nail other slim young women such as herself. Jillian had some intense support and push of a Keto diet that fellow media big wig host Al Roker said was insane and not in the  best interests of people to have in a profanity-lace tweet attacking Jillian Michaels.
Jillian Michael is Chicago area bit shot beloved figure of publishing and television and she shot back at Al Roker's tweet which criticize her hate on this diet that has so helped this one time fat ass in losing a ton of blubber. Jillian told Al Roker to stay focused on reporting the weather and she said he was  a lame interviewer the time she appeared on his programs promoting her various books.
Jillian says the diet promoted by Mr Al that promotes high fructose corn syrup and starchy meat-processed fats and proteins in unwise and silly and this jackass Al Roker has indeed been a goofy Daw throughout his career as quoting my dad he is t he ultimate token of tokens in the  media and broadcast television. This fuck often appeared on David Letterman's program through the years as a kid being unfunny,not clever and painfully obvious just then that he was pushed by NBC and other media monarch elites just because of the color of his skin as basically Al Roker is a nobody just some jerk who does the weather on TV for way more money and income than deserving in any just society. Jillian says those who follow the Keto diet are fools and deserving of ridicule and criticism and she tells people just to work to and watch what they eat and that Al's support of a diet that perpetuates high insulin is stupid and that Al's brain at this point of his life has become popcorn.

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