I'm not that pleased with this one -- I need to be able to have more time to plan out my colors in the mornings. Had I had more time, I probably would have put down a gold eyeliner base to make the gold stand out more as gold HATES ME.
- Cover Girl tinted moisturizer
- Mac MSF in Gold Deposit
- Mac Select Moisturecover in NW20
- Mac Studio Finish concealer in NW20
- Mac e/s Brown Down (brows)
- Too Faced Shadow Insurance
- Maybelline Great Lash (clear for brows)
- Ben Nye Gold e/s
- Urban Decay Free Love e/s
- Mac Woodwinked e/s
- Mac Beautiful Iris e/s
- MUFE #92
- Collection 2000 glitter liner in Shake It Up
- Smashbox artist eyeliner in Antique Gold
- Maybelline XXL Pro Extensions mascara
- Milani Orangina lipstick
- Tarte Juliet lipgloss, darker end

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