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Review | Born Pretty Store Ice Cream Cone Nail Polish #25

Lately I was experimenting with sheer jelly nail polishes more often and the latest one to join my collection is this sheer red nail polish from Born Pretty Store.

I was really curious to see how this will turn out in a pond manicure nail art and how it would look layered over a silver glitter but it turns out this just went on clear with only the slightest red tinge whatsoever that almost doesn't change the base colour at all, except if it is white of course (it will turn slightly pink).

Born Pretty Store Ice Cream Polish #25 over holographic silver glitter and white nail polishes

It does work exceptionally well as a top coat though because it self-levels nicely and lasts long enough. I also like how it intensifies the reflects in holographic polishes and how it completely takes away the gritty feeling of textured polishes if you want to use it as a top coat over them. In the picture below I have used the polish as a top coat over pink nail polish on my pinky, middle finger and thumb while I left the ring finger an pointer without top coat. The colour is barely altered but you could say that it looks more intense.

I do have one issue with this polish though - it has a very strong scent that lingers on for quite some time.

Born Pretty Store have a full range of these ice-cream polishes which look promising from reviews I have seen about them and they retail for $3.95 for 12ml of product (I suggest you get one of the creme ones though for better pigmentation) and remember, you can take 10% off your order with my code EBABK31.

PR Sample

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