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Days Prince Should Let Me Post: Wednesday

I’m tired of Sundays. If I were a good Christian, posting a blog on Sunday would probably be a sin of some kind. Although, it’s likely that would be the least of any sins associated with this blog. Sundays are for resting. They’re for trying to find something on television other than pro-football. They’re for reading the paper, checking PostSecret, and lazily enjoying the last remnants of your weekend before having to go back to the salt mines. They are not for writing blogs.

Now Wednesday on the other hand.... Wednesday is hump day, a day virtually screaming out for sin and wasting time at work on a blog. Even the word “Wednesday” is perfect for my eclectic meandering posts. It comes from the Old English Wednes daeg, or day of the wandering migratory god Wodan (pictured), who was not only a precursor of Santa Claus (and what gives you more gifts than Bamboo Nation?) but was also the leader of the Wild Hunt. And that’s what I want to be: leader of the wild hunt to improve our dear Prince.

In spite of all these cogent arguments, Prince still won’t let me write for Wednesdays. He’s selfishly keeping that plum day for himself and moving me to Tuesday. Tuesday! What good is Tuesday? Tuesday sucks. This is an outrage! I will not—

Wait, you say it comes from the Old English Tiwes daeg, meaning the day of Tiu, god of victory and heroic glory? Well then...who needs Wednesday? Keep your wandering god, Prince. I will defeat you all with my cleverly worded blog posts! Oh, yes…first Bamboo Nation…then the world!

[Alan Goy also blogs at Experiment Farm.]

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